Schedule Everything!
“What gets scheduled gets done” - Michael Hyatt
By scheduling things in your calendar, it increases the likelihood of those items being completed.
Do you use a calendar? (please say yes)
Do you have more than one? For work and personal? And do you combine them?
Do you prefer a physical calendar that you can write in? Or do you use the calendar on your phone to always have it at your finger tips so you can better stay on top of things?
As someone that needs to be quite organized doing what I do for others, you might ask, what do I schedule in my calendar…?
The answer…Everything!
Personal appointments
Gym workouts
Friend/date nights
Family time
Training programs
Calls with clients
Calls with anyone for that matter (even a reminder to call someone)
Paying bills
Days off
Rest days or rest time (this is important)
Me time like reading, stretching or going for a walk
Regular to do list items - I’m finding this more effective than my reminders list these days
…and more
I find using a digital calendar is key. It’s always there for me to look at and keep track of. If something comes up and I can’t get to everything I have scheduled for the day, I move it to another day or time that might work better. It’s that easy. And sometimes things become less important, and that’s ok, I just move it. No erasers, white out, etc.
While I believe keeping our minds and memories sharp is very important, I find that when I schedule everything, it takes the stress away from having to remember something and the guilt away from forgetting.
Just one little thing you can do to reduce stress in your life. Schedule everything!